"Write down your ideas"

My Story

Being a entrepreneur has always been in me. I use to sell clothing out of the trunk of my car, until one day I decided to try the eCommerce Business.
I spent many of long nights researching trying to figure out how to get my business up and going. That was a very challenging time for me. So I decided to create courses that would help empower others who are chasing their Dreams, looking to become Entrepreneurs.


Just finished up my course, it was awesome and I'm loving it. Great information thank you. I truly believe God had set this up. Continue to let Him use you. The course was easy, understandable and educational.

Thank you!

"Jackie Lucky"

Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.


Thank you so much for taking the time out to put this course together. It is very helpful! There were some things I knew and some things I didn't know. This has helped me and has given me an idea on how to move forward. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to start and online business, but don't know where to start. Thank you again for your dedication to help others. God bless you!


Choose a Plan


Online Store (basic plan)



  • Plan: Everything Starts with a Plan.
  • Branding: You will need a Brand Name

  • Filing: Business Name
  • Sales Permit
  • EIN: Where to get your EIN Number

  • Website: Where to set up a easy Website.
  • Logo: Where to get a Logo done Professionally
  • Business Cards
  • Clothing Tags

  • Brand Packaging: Packaging your Brand is very Important.
  • Shipping
  • Wholesale Vendors: Which Vendors have Quality Clothing and where to find them.